5 Healthy Ways to Detox After the Holidays

There’s only one more week until the New Year and after this past weekend of gorging on yummy calorie laden treats you may be feeling slightly sluggish and tired. I know I am! Well here are a few ways to help fix that and get your New Year off on the right foot!

1. Break the sugar and salt habit. If you feel especially bloated, cutting out the extra sugar, refined carbs and salt you’ve been having at holiday gatherings is the first step to getting back to your usual self. Do this for at least three days to get back on track and give your system time to reset.

2. Load up on veggies. Detoxing is all about getting the bad out and the good back in. So after the holidays challenge yourself to eat seven to 12 servings of fruits and veggies a day — and make clean food the bulk of your diet. Get a variety of produce to ensure that you’re getting all those vitamins and minerals you probably skimped on over holiday break.

3. Start off easy at the gym. You’re probably gung-ho about working out right now and think a killer workout is what it will take to get you back on track, but ease back into the gym. It’s better to do a little bit every day then go to the gym, push it too hard, and then be so sore that you can’t move for days!

4. Make water your new BFF. Hydration is the name of the game when it comes to post-holiday detoxing. Guzzle that water throughout the day, trying to get at least 64 ounces. Water helps flush out toxins and helps your body eliminate waste! (A good rule of thumb is to divide your total body weight in half, and drink that many ounces. i.e. A 150-pound person should drink 75 ounces of water.)

5. Ignore the scale for a few days. Because of all the extra holiday goodies, which included added sugar, salt and fat, you’re probably a few pounds heavier than normal. Instead of stepping on the scale and feeling down about the number, just forgo the scale. Follow these tips and weigh yourself in a week. You’ll probably be back to your normal size!

Extreme detoxes aren’t necessary to get back on track after the holidays, nor are they any kind of healthy for your body. It’s also not healthy to beat yourself up over what you ate and those workouts you may have missed. Today is a new day and it’s soon going to be a new year — so appreciate the holidays for what they are and get back on the healthy track!