Why Wait ’til January?


As you head out to just about anywhere this time of year, you’re sure to see and hear the unmistakable signs of the approaching Holiday Season – the food, the traditions, the food, the decorations, the parties, the food, the gifts, family, friends, the food. Did I mention the food? Right alongside commercials for crescent rolls and the perfect “gift for him under $50”, are ads specifically designed to make you think ahead to January and loosing the average 7 pounds that the typical American puts on during the holiday season.

January doesn’t have to be the start of diet season! Incorporate some of the following tips into your daily life NOW so that by the time the ball drops at midnight New Years Eve and everyone is talking about their future health goals, you’ll be well on your way to making 2014 your healthiest year yet!

  1. Portion Control. Prepackaged weight loss programs often feature food plans that incorporate a wide variety of food – from pizza to cheeseburgers, even desert- that can be eaten while still losing weight!  The same is true of any balanced weight management system. Moderation is key! You can incorporate just about any type of food into a healthy lifestyle, albeit with much smaller portions and healthier substitutions.
  2. Convenience. Commercial programs offer prepackaged meals to make it easy to stick to the plan even on busy evenings filled with obligations. Prepare meals and snacks in advance. Just a few minutes each day preparing for the next day can make all the difference in staying on track.
  3. Eat Frequently. We know it may sound contradictory, but it’s true! Eating a balanced meal or snack every few hours keeps your metabolism humming and prevents the kind of ravenous hunger that leads to a cookie binge! Eat about 300 calories containing protein, carbohydrates, and fat every 3 to 4 hours to keep hunger at bay and avoid feeling deprived!



Why wait until the New Year to put your health plans for 2014 into effect?  Let the staff of the staff at Westmoreland Athletic Club & Galaxy Fitness  inspire you through the holiday season to design a plan that will help you feel great through 2014 and beyond — without the added pounds!

“When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way.”

Wayne Dyer